In Memoriam Tungsram-CEO András Gábor

These days, a black flag on the main building of Tungsram announces András Gábor’s death on 26 March 2019. András Gábor was Tungsram’s last CEO before the regime change in Central Eastern Europe, from 1985 to 1990 serving as president and CEO of Tungsram Ltd. From 1990 to 1993, Gábor was president of the board of directors of GE Tungsram. He supported the foundation of the Lipót Aschner prize – the first manager prize in Hungary. In 2002, Gábor himself received this prize for his life achievement.


Between 1975 and 1980, András Gábor was director of the department for industrial development in the ministry of metallurgical and machine building industry. From 1980 on, he served as deputy minister in the Ministry of Industry, directly supervising machine building, and soon the electro-technical industry as well. He was well informed, therefore, about the challenges Tungsram was facing due to the quick deterioration of the Hungarian currency, the rapid technological development, and the complex organization of Tungsram, at that time a company possessing a diverse portfolio with around 35.000 people and over ten factories in Hungary and abroad. András Gábor played a major role in transforming Tungsram into a true joint stock company. The focus of his activities as Tungsram CEO was providing resources to enhance the company’s long-term competitiveness. With General Electric becoming the owner of Tungsram, the company successfully managed the inevitable transformation and became the European center of GE’s lighting division. Until the end of his life, András Gábor took an interest in the development of Tungsram within the network of General Electric and lately as an independent Hungarian multinational company.

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